I picked up a book I bought about 2 years ago. I read it then and I've since forgotten what was in those lovely pages...so I decided in an effort to save money and shelf space I would read it again. I love books that make you feel like you're on the right track, but there's a little more you could work on. This book is about being content. Do you ever feel like you have everything you need and just feel peace? I know I don't, there is always something; socks, cleaning supplies, totes, BOOKS, clothes, handbags, and the latest is sewing materials and ideas and many other THINGS. You might be laughing at what I have on my list, but think about if I was reading yours (please do share, it's fun to see what is important to others) I would be having a good laugh too! In the book I'm reading (which by the way is called "You Can Never Get Enough of What You Don't Need - The Quest for Contentment" By: Mary Ellen Edmunds) she talks about how we can learn to be content by comparing down instead of up. She says "There will always be someone somewhere who has more than I do. But there are far more that have less than I do." I Love it! We always notice who has a new car or in my case, handbag, but do we notice ALL of the people who don't have. They don't have a car at all or a warm place to go for that matter. The one thing I've learned is that we can never acheive contentment without gratitude. I was thinking about it, and I realized that I've never really
felt grateful for having a plumbed toilet with privacy to do my business. I just have always had one, and never had to be without for an extended period of time. So last night I starting imagining what a tramatic event it would be to be without for who knows how long. Boy do I feel grateful now! I know there are a lot of times when we say "I'm grateful for"... but do we FEEL grateful or just say it? There are so many things that we here in the U.S. have always had, sometimes I think we forget they are blessings.
Wow, sorry, this should have probably been written in my journal, not on my blog. What better time of year to contemplate these things. Have a Grateful Day!